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In this video, you will learn about...

  • The 5 simple techniques that help boost overall health.
  • How Dr. McClain has helped his patients overcome fatigue, weight issues, body discomfort, and a host of related issues.
  • The groundbreaking results of Dr. McClain's research into telomerase.
  • The dangerous role that family history can play in your health and longevity — and how one simple method can help us overcome it.

Dr. Rand McClain is one of the top regenerative medicine specialists in Los Angeles. He has worked with many of the nation’s top athletes, Oscar-winning actors, and people over age 40 seeking to achieve a stronger, healthier body.


This revolutionary formula combines 3 telomerase-boosting ingredients with the power to support optimum weight, mental energy, and overall health. TeloGenesis is Caffeine-Free, Artificial Sweetener-Free, and Lectin-Free.

Helps Boost Natural Energy

Promotes Cellular Health

Supports Weight Management

100% Dr. McClain Approved